Spencer Mak is a professional Fitness Coach and Stretching Therapist.
Being a Fitness Coach for many years, Mak has provided group classes and personal training for many clients. He has also been invited to be a guest speaker in giving a Sport Anatomy Workshop for Aerial Hammock instructor in 2019, organized by Aerial Dance Art Concepts (ADAC).
Throughout the years, Mak has find the significance of muscle training and stretching in relieving pain. The causes of chronic pain originate from different aspects. Besides post-exercise pain, other lifestyle pattern such as inappropriate posture, repetitive movement from work, traumatic injuries and surgeries, and even wearing high heels can also be an origin of pain.
Being a certified Stretching Therapist, Mak specializes in remedial stretching and sport massage. Professional localization of the pain point and relieve of muscle stiffness as well as strengthening of associate muscles are the common remedial procedures performed by Mak. This helps enhance pain relieve and body recovery.
Stretching Therapist (HKSEA)
Personal Stretching Instructor (HKSEA)
Certificate of Myofascial Release Level I, II & III (HKSEA)
Certificate of Proficiency Integrated Sports Massage Practitioner Training (PFAHK)
Instructor Certificate in Elderly Fitness (PFAHK)